Black Community Hamburg

The BLACK COMMUNITY Hamburg is a coalition of organizations united against Afrophobia/Anti Black Racism, State violence and systemic injustice. We promote political awareness, social empowerment and Community education

Social Intranet

Welcome to the Black Community Hamburg Social Intranet Platform. It is designed to help our members and organisations collaborate, create and maintain a positive/constructive environment to interact with one another.

This platform is an easy-to-use tool that incorporates social technology, powerful search, multimedia creation and sharing capabilities, and more to create a communication and collaboration hub that can be easily accessed to get work done.

Users are able to create online communities with public, private, or hidden social areas. Social groups and forums will be created according to similar interests, projects and events.

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Create interaction

Based on social groups its easier to group people  in smaller interest groups, people interact in a non-threaten informal way . This platform will allow real-time contributions from all participants.

Global, personal, and group activity feeds with threaded commenting, direct posting, @mentions, #hashtags, and email notification support. Private Messaging Allow members to send private message. Messages can be sent to one member or a group of members.

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Private messaging

Just like other social platforms, exchange information both privately and group wide within the community

The Platform offers private messaging features that allows users to send messages to each other within the website. The messaging feature supports media within messages, including photo uploads, emojis, and animated GIFs

Commmunity Projects
Discussion Forums
Social Events

Coming Soon !!!

Learning Environment
Learming Management + Courses + Training
Mobile Application
Android + Native App + Full ingeration
Online Shop
Item Listing + Full Ecommerce